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For a more peaceful Christmas Month

 “The pandemic deeply marked the lives of individuals and the history of the community. In order to honor the suffering of the sick and of so many deceased, above all, the elderly, whose life experience should not be forgotten, we must rebuild our tomorrow: it requires everyone’s commitment, strength and dedication. It means setting out anew from the countless witnesses of generous and gratuitous love, that have left an indelible impression in consciences and in the social fabric, teaching how much need there is of closeness, care, sacrifice in order to nurture fraternity and civil coexistence.” – Pope Francis

I and my churches have faced many unique challenges in 2020:

.. a little bit about my ministerial life this year which begins with an opening new congregation of our church in Argentina. It was a wonderful experience that brings me too much joy and happiness - my husband and I were received for a group of Catholic leaders who wanted to greet us and offer supportive to the first inclusive church (The first Reconciling Methodist Congregation) that we were committed to initiate in Córdoba Argentina. Of course, we had oppositions from many other protestant denominations, but we resisted and made it. 

As we had gotten back to Brazil, the pandemic of coronavirus became a sad reality that we had to face. Firstly, the challenge of closing our three temples (two of them in Brazil and the other one in Argentina) was very hard and to quickly learn how to take our services online and develop creative ways to minister to our members and serve our community was hard work. 

Two months since the pandemic had reached Brazil sad news started to come:

- we lost two trans women who committed suicide under the oppression for living with their families in quarantine;

- one of our couples of liders (two women: a deaconess and a presbitery) got COVID-19 and had to stay in a hospital. One of them lost her father days later;

- lots of our members lost their jobs; 

- without tithing and offerings the Church's got a critical budgetary financial.

We accumulated debts from the chuches and from the shelter that helps  people with which we used to support with monthly payments. The debts reached the amount of $5.500 (USD). Even as we started to gather again, in-person attendance typically isn’t what it was before. Additionally, congregations are often divided on whether or not the church should even resume in-person gatherings at the present time.

Recently, I had to do a surgery and I'm recovering from it yet. Meanwhile, I'm recovering from the surgery some of our leaders who were leading the services got COVID-19 and we had to reorgazided the plans in other to continue our work here. 

We're resisting and striving for full inclusion and radical liberation amidst so many challenges we want count on you to have a Christmas month more peaceful. We'd like to count on you to pay off the debts acumullated during the pandemic of our congregations and carehouse: $3.500 - for full or partial donations click the button below:

For donations via PayPal (credit or debit cards): 

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For donations via website: 


In his letter to the church then and now, Paul reminds us all:  “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1Thessalonians 5:16-18).  Even during this coronavirus pandemic, especially during this anxious time, let us hold onto our faith and give thanks that God promises to be with us always.

May God bless all of you!


Reverend Marvel Souza


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